SCA Design joins Henderson Chamber of Commerce
Henderson Chamber of Commerce- December 2018
Henderson Chamber of Commerce Welcomes SCA Design, LLC as New Members
The welcome package from The Henderson Chamber of Commerce (HCC) arrived in the mail this week. SCA Design, LLC is now a member of HCC.
About the Chamber
“The Henderson Chamber of Commerce (HCC) is a private, non-profit voluntary organization. It is dedicated to the growth and progress of the business community. We provide businesses with legislative representation, marketing and networking opportunities, support resources and business development training. These benefits are also provided by two other organizations under the HCC umbrella – the HCC Foundation (HCCF) and the Henderson Development Association (HDA). HCC members are focused on promoting the civic, commercial and industrial development of Southern Nevada.” (1)
Why we joined the Chamber
Sheldon Colen, of SCA Design, LLC is a proud member that believes in supporting the local community. Community is about relationship building and that is what Sheldon has been doing during his architectural career that began when he was a high school student at age 15. SCA Design has been in business since 1995 and is based off of past relationships and their referrals. Nickel Lowman, Director of Business Development says “SCA Design is in a great place to work and and can help to support the local community through networking and relationship building. We refer business and make connections all the time. ”
Member Benefits
The chamber hosts many mixer and networking events bringing the business community together. SCA Design has benefited from meeting other business owners in the community and has been the recipient of and generator of referrals to other business owners.
“The Henderson Chamber of Commerce (HCC) is the only organization in Henderson that represents businesses of all sizes, industries, and stages. Through identifying the needs of its members, the Henderson Chamber of Commerce harnesses the collective power of business to influence government outcomes through its legislative and issues committees as well as an Issues Mobilization Political Action Committee (IMPAC).” (2)
(1) https://www.hendersonchamber.com/join/
(2) https://www.hendersonchamber.com/business-advocacy/overview/?edit=1
SCA Design, a leading Architectural firm in the Las Vegas area. SCA Design is about stunning architecture, organized planning and development, and beautiful interior designs. We provide our clients with quality projects, on time services and professional guidance within budget.
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